I have been processing this thought for a while.
I have learned that through forgiveness not only your healing starts. It is the definitive end of this trail of pain. It heals all ties that are bound to the pain transferred from another person in pain, to You.
When you do not process pain, trauma, you grow bitter, you can fall ill and you take on the energy of the pain, live with it and let your soul, spirit, be darkened. Leading you to inflict pain on others. The pain, trauma keeps continuing to make victims and keeps excisting and growing. Defining families, friends, lovers. Obstructing growth, love and light in your life.
When you can look beyond your own pain, look beyond the act that caused the pain...what truly remains?
When you forgive, you decide that an experience that was transferred from another human being (in pain) to you no longer will prohibit you from growth, no longer influence your daily life and your relationship with yourself and others. When you forgive, when you choose to relieve your heart, you have a chance to stop the pain and live in love, compassion and light and bring joy to all others that you touch in life.
With love for you ❤🙏